Podcasts, twitter, books, newsletters, blogs. That’s where my learning comes from these days – in that order.
So I dug through my notes and found my 5 favorite podcast episodes from 2022. The ones that made me stop in my tracks, write things down, and listen again.

- My takeaway: These companies are dying by death of a thousand cuts
- What to listen for: How quickly and brilliantly Mehtab can restore a business to profitability
- 2. Josh Schulz and Rich Jordan – How To Operate A Plumbing Company
- My takeaway: I’m so glad I don’t compete with these two black belts of operations
- What to listen for: This multimillion dollar business doesn’t know where it’s work will come from every week > how they allocate people and resources is amazing
- 3. Chris Powers on Acquisitions Anonymous – How To Value Commercial Real Estate
- My takeaway: Industrial real estate trends are the perfect illustration of economic and city planning changes. Also glad I don’t compete with Chris.
- What to listen for: He takes something so complex and breaks it down very simply. Plus his firm’s flywheel of deal sourcing > property management > scale > data.

- 4. Trevor Flannigan – People Grow Businesses on Think Like An Owner Podcast
- My takeaway: EQ > IQ all day.
- What to listen for: Why small businesses stall out. How to ‘hold up a mirror’ with staff to set goals and KPIs.
- 5. Ayo Phillips and Peter Lohmann – All Things EOS on Think Like An Owner Podcast
- My takeaway: What did we all do before EOS??
- What to listen for: Very real and recent stories of trying to run a company haphazardly, then using EOS framework to work on the business and run it well.

- Bonus non business pod – Lance Armstrong & Nathaniel Rateliff
- My takeaway: Nathaniel is so humble and persistent…his music career was a slow burn for decades. And I love Denver.
- What to listen for: Epic stories of how Nathaniel worked for years before becoming huge, how he had a band with Mumford and Songs singer, turning his stories into songs.
PS – here’s my favorite podcasts of 2021 if you’re interested